Clear Gnosis Pay delay queue
Clear your card's delay queue if your card gets blocked when trying to do something on N.b. this only works at least 30 minutes AFTER you attempt something on
Last updated
Clear your card's delay queue if your card gets blocked when trying to do something on N.b. this only works at least 30 minutes AFTER you attempt something on
Last updated
Open this address in your browser[YOURCARDADDRESS]& You can follow these steps to open it with your card safe:
Click this link - keep the tab open with the page
Copy your card Safe address from within Zeal or from
Edit the browser URL in step a) and replace replace [YOURCARDADDRESS] in the URL with your actual address
Open your "delay module" via the link next its address on the left side:
GnosisScan will open up in a new browser tab. Click the contract tab
Connect your web3 wallet. This can be ANY wallet with xDAI on GnosisChain. It does not have to be the wallet that owns the card safe.
Scroll down to find the skipExpired function at the bottom of the listed functions.
Click Write and Submit the Transaction - this can be done from any wallet, not just your card owner
Your card safe's delay queue should now be cleared and you can use your card again.
Verify that your delay queue is cleared by switching to the Read Contract as Proxy
tab and comparing the values of function 10. queueNonce
and 16. txNonce
. These two values should be the same: