Secret Phrase & Private Key

Use your Secret Phrase or Private Key to import an existing wallet to Zeal

Here is how you can use the Secret Phrase or Private Key option to import an existing wallet with Zeal.

In your browser’s framed Zeal Wallet window, click on the option for Secret Phrase (or Private Key, which will allow you to skip a step). This will open a new framed window on the same page titled “Add Secret Phrase.”

On this page, you’ll have the option to either import an existing Secret Phrase or create a new one.

Click on the option labeled “Import Secret Phase”. This will open another framed window for your wallet, titled “Restore Wallet.” Use the field on this page to type or paste your Secret Phrase or Private Key.

Once you’ve entered your Secret Phrase or Private Key into the field on the “Restore Wallet” page, click the highlighted “Continue” button at the bottom of the frame. You will be taken to a new window where you can select which wallets to import.

When you’re ready, press the highlighted “Import wallet” button at the bottom of the frame to complete importing your existing wallet to Zeal.

Last updated